Prayer is the opportunity that God has given you to say something about your life
PNUR Global Day of Fasting & Prayer (PGDFP)

Join all members of the PNUR Family around the world for her this special event every Thursday.
We have secured an appointment with God for all partners and members every Thursday.
Prayer is the opportunity that God has given you to say something about all the arguments going on in the spirit and physical about your destiny. When you fail to pray at the time of prayer, you have surrendered yourself to the opinions and decisions of the devil, the elemental forces, and others. Pastor Emma N.J Nwosu
How the prayer is done:
Every Wednesday, we post updates of reminders, teachings, audio messages, and prayer collections are uploaded on all our platforms in order to prepare people for the fast on Thursday. (click here to join the WhatsApp platform)
Members are encouraged to concentrate their minds and ensure to join the fast.
Personal prayer topics are forwarded to the admins of the platform, or you can use the form below to submit your prayer request on Wednesday.
Who should fast? Every Thursday, PNUR members and partners throughout the globe fast and pray. Joining the fast allows you to identify with the PNUR Family and Friends on this memorable day.
The duration of the fast: Members are free to choose their fast durations based on their situation. 6-12, 6-3, 6-6
Time Zones: Since there are time zones differences across the world, participants are expected to fast and pray on Thursday of the week in their home country, and then follow up with the messages and prayers.
While fasting, we advise members to choose a prayer location and time to really pray, seek God’s face and present your prayer topics to God. (it is an appointment.)
We also recommend that you have a prayer partner or get your family and friends involved to help you remain in the atmosphere of prayer.
Remember to share your testimony openly to encourage other people and help them discover the hidden power of prayer.
You may need to read the book, THE RIGHT WAYS TO FAST AND PRAY – Emma N.J Nwosu
Connect with PNUR on WhatsApp
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