Welcome toPNUR
Welcome toPNUR
A place of deliverance, prayer, and revival
Welcome toPNUR
We provide faith building and Christian Development Recourses
Welcome toPNUR
We offer practical training for ministers, church workers, and all Christians.
Welcome to
Greetings and welcome to the official website of the Prayer Network for Universal Revival (PNUR). God has brought you to us, I think.
We appreciate your interest in our website. Kindly spend a moment completing our visitor’s form. We will learn more about you as a result of this. God bless you and thank you. Link
PNUR Global Day of Fasting & Prayer
Every Thursday, join the PNUR family worldwide for their Global Day of Fasting and Prayer.
God has given you the chance to speak up about all the disagreements about your future that are occurring both physically and spiritually through prayer.

Pst. Emma N.J Nwosu
Annual Programs
Every Third (3rd) week of April
Know MoreInternational Prayer and Revival Convention (IPRC)
Eu iusto dolorum pro, facer oportere duo ne. Cum ei commune instructior. Ne dicat qualisque ullamcorper.
Every Third (3rd) week of August
Know MoreAugust Special | The Making of a Man of God
Eu iusto dolorum pro, facer oportere duo ne. Cum ei commune instructior. Ne dicat qualisque ullamcorper.
Every First (1st) week of November
Know MoreDeliverance week
Eu iusto dolorum pro, facer oportere duo ne. Cum ei commune instructior. Ne dicat qualisque ullamcorper.Eu iusto dolorum pro, facer oportere duo ne. Cum ei commune instructior. Ne dicat qualisque ullamcorper.
Register for
Deliverance School Online
This covers the ministry's training arm. Where every Christian, Church worker, and pastor are trained for the ministry as a solider, especially in the deliverance ministry.
Faith-Building and Inspiring eBooks
Get eBooks that will change your life by visiting our bookstore. Books on deliverance, revival, spiritual empowerment, and ministerial mentoring are available in our collection.

Powerful Prayer collections
Instructions for using the prayer collections
These prayer collections are verity and you have to take them as you are led
but let me suggest something here
a. You may back them with fasting
b. You may take each group for a particular and go through them in circles
until the end.
c. It is important that you raise a Seed Faith to present before the altar as
a token of your confidence in the answers
d. You may call us if you need any help.
YouTube Messages
Get inspiring messages from Pst. Emma. N.J Nwosu on YouTube
God's Evidences
“Good day, Pastor. I just connected to the lunch hour prayer, the one you just sent. I am the one with nails on my head. When you started casting, I felt a spirit leaving my body, sir I feel free in Jesus’ name”
Sophia Miller
Chief Editor, Monday Times
“PNUR ministry is changing lives even in Eswatini, I received my testimony one word from God changed my story in a day. The attack was huge , bad dreams, and all sorts of things that didn’t make sense. Glory be to God.”